Оцінка колориту та рекреаційної аттрактивності фітоценозів байраку Генералка (Evaluation of colouring and recreational attractivity of the phytocoenosis of the ravine Generalka)

Journal Title: Питання біоіндикації та екології - Year 2018, Vol 23, Issue 2


Ravine forests carry out a number of important ecosystem and phytomeliorative functions, often being an «arena» for recreational activity of inhabitants of megacities and tourists. Khortytsa Island is not only the gem of Zaporizhzhya region, but also of the national heritage of Ukraine. Khortytsa ravine forests undergo significant recreational pressure during almost the whole year, except for winters with significant snow cover when the recreationists face difficulties to travel. Taking into account long time of staying on the territory of the island's ravines, the psycho-emotional impact of the colour of dendroflora and herbaceous vegetation on the the recreationists is of significant interest. The phenomenon of the influence of colour on the physiological and emotional state of a person, as well as on the processes of thinking is devoted to a number of works of domestic and foreign authors. These studies highlight the colouristic organization of urban areas (rural areas, territories of educational institutions, etc.). However, the study of the influence of the colours of natural biomes on the psycho-emotional state of a person, as well as the patterns of preservation or even amplification of their attractiveness for recreation are of significant interest. The research was carried out in the ravine forest of the ravine Generalka, which is located on the island of Khortytsia; it belongs to the recreational sphere of the city's residents and tourists. The island is located in the subzone of the fescue-feather grass steppe. We analyzed the colour scale of phytocoenosis of the ravine by seasons, and discovered plant species that form dominant colours and their shades. Their psycho-emotional influence on recreationists is estimated. The complex analysis of the recreational attractiveness of phytocoenosis of the ravine slopes of various expositions has been carried out based on 7 indicators: «The composition of the planting», «The type of species mixing», «Vertical structure of phytocenosis», «Horizontal structure of phytocenosis», «Decorative value», «Height of the tree stand» and «Debris». The attractiveness of plantings was estimated on a 5-point scale (from 0 to 4). The coefficient of attractiveness was calculated. The colouring analysis of the phytocoenosis of the ravine Generalka according to seasons has been carried out. Achromatic colours dominate in winter; their share is 83.8 %, while the smallest share in this season is of green colour and its shades – 0.5 %. Starting from early spring, there is an increase in the share of green colour with a maximum value of 70.0 % in summer. In autumn, its participation is significantly reduced because of the autumn parti-coloured leaves. The presence of brown colour and its shades during winter, spring and summer periods ranges from 10.2 to 7.0 %, but significantly increases in autumn – up to 35.5 %, which is also explained by the destruction of green pigments. The share of blue colour and its shades varies slightly over the seasons: from 5.5 % in winter to 6 % in summer. The lack of red colour and its shades in winter is due to the lack of its carriers. In spring and summer, its presence in the colouring of the phytocoenosis of the ravine is negligible, but significantly increases in autumn – up to 20.0 % as a result of autumn changes in the composition of plant leaves pigments. The basic colors and plants that form them are identified. Thus, the basis of the colour scheme of the forest canopy are formed by dominant species (Ulmus scabra, Quercus robur, Pyrus communis, U. carpinifolia, U. laevis, Acer tataricum, A. campestre and Fraxinus excelsior). The aspecting of grass groups in spring is provided by Erophila verna, Holosteum umbellatum, Stellaria media (white colour), Gagea minima, Ficaria verna, Iris pumila (yellow colour), Lamium maculatum (lilac shade, mixture of blue and red colours), Salvia nutans (purple, mixture of red and blue colours). In summer herbal phytocoenosis are variegated due to a large number of steppe and grassland plants. Before and during autumn Berteroa incana, Alyssum incanum are dominant among herbaceous plant, thus providing phytocoenosis with white colour, while Diplotaxis cretacea is responsible for yellow colour. The complex analysis of recreational attractiveness of phytocoenosis of the ravine slopes of various expositions has been carried out. The slope of the south-eastern exposition received a higher value of the attractiveness factor (0.95). The analysis of the recreational potential of the ravine Generalka together with the evaluation of the influence of recreationists on the indicators of forest restoration and the phytopathological condition of plantations is promising. У статті розглянуті колористичні особливості панівних у насадженні деревних порід і домінуючих в угрупованнях трав’яних рослин, а також співвідношення кольорів у колориті ландшафтів байраку за сезонами. Проаналізовано їх вплив на психоемоційний стан рекреантів. Оцінена рекреаційна аттрактивність фітоценозів схилів різної експозиції.

Authors and Affiliations

С. О. Яковлєва-Носарь (Svitlana Yakovlieva-Nosar)


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  • EP ID EP519892
  • DOI 10.26661/2312-2056/2018-23/2-02
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How To Cite

С. О. Яковлєва-Носарь (Svitlana Yakovlieva-Nosar) (2018). Оцінка колориту та рекреаційної аттрактивності фітоценозів байраку Генералка (Evaluation of colouring and recreational attractivity of the phytocoenosis of the ravine Generalka). Питання біоіндикації та екології, 23(2), 17-34. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-519892