Оцінка сучасної демографічної ситуації в країнах світу
Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету.Серія: Економіка - Year 2017, Vol 7, Issue 14
У статті досліджено та розкрито основні проблеми демографічного розвитку регіонів світу та розглянуто необхідність створення можливості розробки демографічної політики, націленої на підвищення добробуту нинішнього і майбутніх поколінь. Виявлено, що динаміку й рух населення висвітлює теорія демографічного переходу, за якою країни умовно поділяють на три фази демографічного розвитку. Доведено, що демографічні процеси є одними із визначальних для забезпечення стабільного функціонування економіки й безпечного розвитку держави. The article investigates and reveals the main demographic development problems of the world regions and considers the necessity of creating the possibility for demographic policy developing an aimed at increasing the welfare of present and future generations. As a result of work, systematization and generalization the definitions of various demographic security system indicator approaches, it was proved that the assessment and analysis of the current demographic situation should be based on the following indicators: indicators of natural reproduction of population, indicators of mechanical movement and placement; indicators of sex-age population; health indicators of the population. The emphasis is placed on the importance of taking into account the demographic situation when developing a state policy aimed at increasing the social status and material well-being of the population. Attention is emphasized on the dynamic and population movements highlighted the theory of demographic transition, according to it countries are divided into three phases of demographic development. Understanding of the ongoing and future demographic changes as well as the problems and opportunities that they present to achieve socio-economic, political, legal, innovative, informational and intellectual-spiritual development of society are important for assessing trends in the region. population at global, regional and national levels. Demographic processes are proved to be one of the key for ensuring a stable functioning of the economy and the safe development of the state. In this case, important indicators affecting the demographic situation are indicators in the field of fertility, mortality and migration. The demographic policies of such countries as China, India, Germany, France, Sweden, Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Moldova are considered. It is determined that the main methods of government influence in listed countries on the demographic situation are political (signing of agreements, agreements with other countries, adoption of normative legal acts in the demographic sphere), economic (creating a system of incentives for parents in the form of paid leave, an advanced system of financial assistance and benefits for families with large families and single women with children, etc.), social (raising the social status of a large family, promoting family values) and technological (introduction of the latest technologies and innovations in the sphere of health care). It has been found that in recent years, the birth rate has declined in almost all major regions of the world; slowing population growth, due to lower birth rates; there is an aging population, but there is an increase in the expected life expectancy; the majority of countries have declined childbearing age, however, there is a high fertility rate among adolescents; the indicator of migration in recent years has grown in Europe, North America and Oceania.
Authors and Affiliations
L. Kyslova, A. Vlas
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