Оцінка впливу зовнішньоторговельного співробітництва України з країнами ЄС на рівень зовнішньоекономічної безпеки
Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету.Серія: Економіка - Year 2018, Vol 8, Issue 15
У статті проведена оцінка інтенсивності зовнішньоторговельного співробітництва України з країнами ЄС, виявлені ключові показники, які здійснюють вплив на рівень інтенсивності зовнішньої торгівлі між країнами. Здійснена оцінка впливу інтенсивності зовнішньої торгівлі України з ЄС на стан зовнішньоекономічної безпеки країни. The article assesses the intensity of Ukraine's foreign trade cooperation with EU countries, on the basis of which the general tendency of increasing the intensity of foreign trade cooperation since 2010 has been determined. In article was used a method of correlation-regression analysis and on the basis of it, the degree and nature of relationships between the indicator of intensity of Ukraine's foreign trade with EU and the system of factor characteristics were revealed. As the last ones, the following indicators were selected: export quota, foreign trade quota, import quota, hryvnia exchange rate to euro, export-import coverage ratio, economy openness index and trade-grade index. It is proved that, with the exception of the last two, there is a close and direct bond between the indicators. It is noted that Ukraine's integration into European space system, one of the manifestations of which is increase in the intensity of trade between the countries, is accompanied by a number of positive and negative facts which should be taken into account and minimized in the context of providing Ukraine's economic security. In order to assess the impact of further deepening Ukraine's cooperation with EU countries, increase its intensity in the field of foreign trade and identify the conditions necessary for the growth of the national economic security, a multi-factor correlation-regression analysis has been applied. As a factor attributes, the system of indicators characterizing commodity structures of export and import of Ukraine and EU was chosen for their largest share in the total volume of export-import operations between countries, namely: the export intensity index of grain crops, the export intensity index of oilseeds, the export intensity index of animal and vegetable oils, the export intensity index of iron and steel, the export intensity index of machinery and transport, the import intensity index of fuel and PMM, the import intensity index of chemical products, the import intensity index of mechanical engineering and transport. The obtained results showed a mainly negative influence, which can be caused by a further growth of intensity of foreign trade in certain goods on the level of Ukraine’s foreign economic security. The explanation of the revealed patterns is the imperfect commodity structure of exports and imports between Ukraine and EU, namely: the growth in Ukraine's exports share of goods with a low level on the background of increase in imports of European goods with a higher high-tech share. It is determined that the necessary measures to reduce the influence of factors of the foreign economic sphere on the country's economic security are: stabilization of the exchange rate of the national currency; implementation of the emphasis on innovative development, increase of export of innovative products; creation of favorable conditions for investments attraction; optimization of trade balance due to the development of domestic market and production, etc.
Authors and Affiliations
Natalya Balabanova, Daria Larina
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