Od akademii do akademii. Zabiegi o kształcenie górników w Krakowie (do początków XX wieku)

Journal Title: Galicja. Studia i materiały - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 4


The article presents many years’ efforts to set up university level education for miners. The first attempts reach as far back as the turn of the 18th and the 19th century, which is when Hugo Kołłątaj suggested including mining science in the education syllabus in the Cracow Academy reorganization project. In the first half of the 19th century the project of a mining institute at the Cracow Main School (1816) (at present the Jagiellonian University) was set up, and later, of a chair of mining at the Technical Institute (1848). In 1967 it was even planned to established a separate mining department at the Technical Institute. All subsequent projects were dropped after the reorganiza- tion of the Technical Institute and founding the middle-level State Industrial School on its basis. A certain substitute for mining studies was „a preparatory course for mining profession candidates” organised at the Lviv Polytechnic from 1885, however the efforts of its transforma- tion into a full mining faculty failed. At the beginning of the 20th century efforts to establish a university level mining school in Cracow, with great support of the Cracow City Council and the involvement of Polish mining engineers’ community under Eng. Jan Zarański’s leadership, increased. The ultimate achievement of many years efforts was the highest resolution of Emperor Franciszek Józef of May 31, 1913 on the establishment of a mining academy in Cracow. The newly founded university was to begin its activity in October 1914, unfortunately the outbreak of the war moved this moment to 1919.

Authors and Affiliations

Jerzy Krawczyk


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  • EP ID EP673320
  • DOI 10.15584/galisim.2018.4.11
  • Views 252
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How To Cite

Jerzy Krawczyk (2018). Od akademii do akademii. Zabiegi o kształcenie górników w Krakowie (do początków XX wieku). Galicja. Studia i materiały, 4(4), 194-226. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-673320