The article is based on unexplored records from the Ecclesiastical Archives of
the archdiocese Wroclaw and also but minor from Katowice. In 1936 cause of the
political treat of the Nazis regime to the Catholic Church in...
Between October 16th, 2016 and October 16th, 2017 Saint Hedwig’s year was celebrated for the second time in the Metropoly of Wrocław. The 750th anniversary of Saint Hedwig of Silesia’s canonization became an inspiration...
Aphrahat, called the Persian Sage, was a Syriac-Christian of the 3-rd / 4-th
century from Adiabene region of Persian Empire. He is an author of twenty-three
sermons called Demonstrationes (sometimes also Homiliae). Almos...
The author presents sources of the anthropology of Fr Aleksander Zien-
kiewicz. These sources have been divided into the following groups: main
personal patterns (his family and people he met during his study period at
The dogmatic formulas are already created by the authors of books of the Bible,
afterwards they are appeared in the liturgy and also within the whole tradition
of the Church. The most important formulas are that which we...
Die Einrichtung der Archivpflege im Erzbistum Breslau 1936 bis 1939
The article is based on unexplored records from the Ecclesiastical Archives of the archdiocese Wroclaw and also but minor from Katowice. In 1936 cause of the political treat of the Nazis regime to the Catholic Church in...
Obchody Roku Jadwiżańskiego 2017–2018 w Metropolii Wrocławskiej
Between October 16th, 2016 and October 16th, 2017 Saint Hedwig’s year was celebrated for the second time in the Metropoly of Wrocław. The 750th anniversary of Saint Hedwig of Silesia’s canonization became an inspiration...
„Narody zamiast narodu”. Afrahata polemika z judaizmem
Aphrahat, called the Persian Sage, was a Syriac-Christian of the 3-rd / 4-th century from Adiabene region of Persian Empire. He is an author of twenty-three sermons called Demonstrationes (sometimes also Homiliae). Almos...
Źródła myśli księdza Aleksandra Zienkiewicza o człowieku i społeczeństwie
The author presents sources of the anthropology of Fr Aleksander Zien- kiewicz. These sources have been divided into the following groups: main personal patterns (his family and people he met during his study period at t...
Dogmat chalcedoński syntezą wcześniejszych formuł dogmatycznych i punktem odniesienia przyszłych
The dogmatic formulas are already created by the authors of books of the Bible, afterwards they are appeared in the liturgy and also within the whole tradition of the Church. The most important formulas are that which we...