The history is not a simple coincidence of subsequent events, but their
logical sequence oriented on a precisely defined goal. Only in this context we
can speak about the history as “history of salvation”. This can be sh...
The article begins with a description of the most important social determi-
nants of the present time. The author claims that consumer culture is nowadays
the key factor in shaping our society. Subsequently, the article...
For decades scholarly consensus has held that Jesus spoke and taught
mostly in the Aramaic language. To evaluate the accuracy of this assumption,
one must investigate which languages were really spoken in Roman Palestine...
Karl Rahner has influenced 20th century theology through his conception
of God’s self-communication. Commencing with his first publications, Rahner
converses his idea of God’s self-communication to mankind. The questions...
Nowe życie w Chrystusie – w perspektywie historycznej
The history is not a simple coincidence of subsequent events, but their logical sequence oriented on a precisely defined goal. Only in this context we can speak about the history as “history of salvation”. This can be sh...
Duszpasterstwo w dobie hiperkonsumpcji
The article begins with a description of the most important social determi- nants of the present time. The author claims that consumer culture is nowadays the key factor in shaping our society. Subsequently, the article...
Co Duch Święty mówi dzisiaj do Kościoła w Polsce?
Języki używane przez Jezusa na tle sytuacji językowej w rzymskiej Palestynie
For decades scholarly consensus has held that Jesus spoke and taught mostly in the Aramaic language. To evaluate the accuracy of this assumption, one must investigate which languages were really spoken in Roman Palestine...
Der Begriff Selbstmitteilung Gottes in Karl Rahners Theologie
Karl Rahner has influenced 20th century theology through his conception of God’s self-communication. Commencing with his first publications, Rahner converses his idea of God’s self-communication to mankind. The questions...