Ograniczenia dostępu do pornografii w internecie (kwestie braku definicji pojęcia pornografia oraz zobowiązań wynikających z konwencji genewskiej z 1923 r.)
Journal Title: Zeszyty Prawnicze Biura Analiz Sejmowych - Year 2019, Vol 61, Issue 1
There is no comprehensive definition of pornography in the Polish legal system. The legislator only made a fragmentary definition of pornography in relation to “child pornography”. In author’s opinion an attempt to form a comprehensive definition of “pornography” or its semantic counterparts should take into account several fundamental issues, including the possibility to distinguish between pornography and eroticism. Solutions included in the International Convention of 1923 on Combating the Circulation and Trade of Pornographic Publications and in the Criminal Code were based on two non-complementary models of regulation regarding the access to pornography. Due to the partial outdating of reasons underlying the adoption of the above convention, the author of the opinion suggests to consider termination of the convention by Poland.
Authors and Affiliations
Paweł Bachmat
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