Οξεία ικτερική ηπατίτιδα οφειλόμενη <br /> σε σύνδρομο επικάλυψης αυτοάνοσης ηπατίτιδας<br /> και πρωτογενούς χολικής κίρρωσης<br />
Journal Title: Αρχεία Ελληνικής Ιατρικής - Year 2003, Vol 20, Issue 1
Authors and Affiliations
The use of the domestic hen as a model in developmental studies and cancer research
The main advantage of the chicken embryo as a model for developmental studies is that it is readily manipulated. This has led to major discoveries in the field of developmental biology. Many genes are found to be express...
Anabolic steroids: A review of the literature
Anabolic steroids are synthetic derivatives of testosterone. The use of anabolic steroids has spread considerably over recent decades, attracting the attention not only of professional athletes but also of the wider popu...
Sickle cell anemia and influenza<br /> What should we be concerned about?
No abstract available
Ασθενής με χρόνια λήψη κορτικοειδών<br /> και παρατεινόμενο εμπύρετο νόσημα
Η σπλαγχνική λεϊσμανίαση ή καλααζάρ είναι λοιμώδης νόσος, η οποία οφείλεται σε μαστιγοφόρα πρωτόζωα που ανήκουν στο γένος Leishmania. Υπάρχει δυσκολία για τον καθορισμό των ειδών των λεϊσμανιών, επειδή όλα τα είδη έχ...
The practice of medicine in relation to the limitation of availability of financial resources
It is generally accepted that both the physician and the health system should aim to defend the health of each patient individually and protect the health of the population in general. Nowadays, however, the cost of supp...