Great and important discoveries befall there seldom, but this one is just such a discovery. The discovery is in physics which disproves the validness of the second law of thermodynamics and several others up to now con...
The wholeness principle is analysed for non-abelian gauge symmetry. This principle states that nature acts through grouping. It says that physical laws should be derived from elds associations. At this work, we consider...
In this study the novel spray pyrolysis technique, known as rotational, pulsed and atomized spray deposition method was used to fabricate vertically aligned and well separated FTO One-dimensional nanostructures on glass...
This essay provides evidence that light and other such waves never at all travel on a continues sine formation, and that at no time these are produced at their full frequency. With further evidence that the dispersion of...
Modern physics classical particle quantization Orbital motion model general solution
EP ID EP653666
DOI 10.24297/jap.v11i3.465
Views 96
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How To Cite
Soo Hwan Kim (0). On approximate a-homomorphisms and derivations in C*-ternary algebras. JOURNAL OF ADVANCES IN PHYSICS, 11(3),
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A perpetuum mobile of second kind is possible
 Great and important discoveries befall there seldom, but this one is just such a discovery. The discovery is in physics which disproves the validness of the second law of thermodynamics and several others up to now con...
Non-abelian whole gauge symmetry
The wholeness principle is analysed for non-abelian gauge symmetry. This principle states that nature acts through grouping. It says that physical laws should be derived from elds associations. At this work, we consider...
Effect of Spray Directions on the Crystal Growth of Fluorine-Doped Tin Oxide One-dimensional nanostructured Thin Films
In this study the novel spray pyrolysis technique, known as rotational, pulsed and atomized spray deposition method was used to fabricate vertically aligned and well separated FTO One-dimensional nanostructures on glass...
Wave Nature
This essay provides evidence that light and other such waves never at all travel on a continues sine formation, and that at no time these are produced at their full frequency. With further evidence that the dispersion of...
Cold nuclear fusion reactor And new modern physics
Modern physics classical particle quantization Orbital motion model general solution