On Corrosion Behavior of Organic Nanocomposite Coatings
Journal Title: Analele Universitatii "Dunarea de Jos" din Galati. Fascicula IX, Metalurgie si Stiinta Materialelor - Year 2009, Vol 32, Issue 2
Recently, researches on composite coatings of organic nature with the addition of metallic oxide nanopowders have shown an increasing corrosion resistance of metallic materials. Carbon steel shows an improved behavior in corrosive environments when it is covered with an organic layer that includes nanoparticles of titania. This was shown by several measurements of electrochemical corrosion in aqueous solution of 3% NaCl, such as polarization resistance, corrosion potential, corrosion current and electrochemical impedance. The explanation of the improved behavior of carbon steel samples starts from the assumption that the presence of titania leads to a decrease of gas permeability through the composite organic coatings and an improvement of the adherence between the cover and the sample surface.
Authors and Affiliations
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