On the possibility of using countertransference in couples therapy

Journal Title: Psychoterapia - Year 2013, Vol 165, Issue 2


Countertransference is a concept not addressed by many theoretical approaches in family and couples therapy. Strong feelings for couples as well as individual partners are, however, a common experience among therapists, regardless of their theoretical orientation. This paper refers to the concept of countertransference in couples therapy, demonstrates its clinical and diagnostic usefulness and indicates important directions in couples therapy, from the perspective of countertransference. Fragments of three therapeutic sessions illustrate the use of countertransference directly in interventions in couples therapy session, in order to extract consciously unidentified elements of mental life of individuals, as well as the couples.

Authors and Affiliations

Mariusz Furgał, Bernadetta Janusz, Jakub Bobrzyński


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How To Cite

Mariusz Furgał, Bernadetta Janusz, Jakub Bobrzyński (2013). On the possibility of using countertransference in couples therapy. Psychoterapia, 165(2), 29-44. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-158098