Once again on the morphological and functional determinants of learning to swim lessons for younger children
Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2011, Vol 21, Issue 53
[b]Aim of the study.[/b] Determining the influence of somatic and functional parameters (height, weight, lungs capacity) of 10-year-olds, third form pupils on learning to swim pace.[b]Material and methods.[/b] 100 children at the age of 9–10, third form pupils of Cracow primary schools and the participants of 30-lesson obligatory swimming course were examined. The article includes the comparison between two different levels of swimming groups in relation to indicated somatic parameters.[b]Results.[/b] In spite of clear difference between the groups in level of swimming, no difference of somatic parameters among the children in both groups was observed. There was no direct influence of somatic and functional parameters (height, weight, lungs capacity) on learning speed in both groups.[b]Conclusion.[/b] In relation to children who learn to swim, other determinants of learning speed (e.g. psychological, pedagogical or connected with motor skills) should be considered.
Authors and Affiliations
Witold Ziara
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