Online activity and family relationships as exemplified by high school students
Journal Title: Current Problems of Psychiatry - Year 2013, Vol 14, Issue 3
It is difficult for modern man to imagine life without the Internet. Apart from indisputable profits associated with using this me- dium, the researchers more and more often stress the negative results of irresponsible use of the possibilities offered by the Net. The aim of the study was to investigate the problem whether online activity affects the family relations of adolescents. This article is an attempt to answer the following research problems: Does the online activity affect family relationships of the examined group of adoles-cents? Are the age and gender the variables differentiating adolescents in this respect? An attempt was made to answer the research problems based on the analysis of results of tests involving 136 high school students using a questionnaire designed by the authors. The results of the research demonstrate that a significant number of the examined adolescents showed worrying symptoms that can indicate the risk of developing Internet addiction. The intensity of online activity has a negative impact on family relationships, including communication. As compared to the girls, the boys use the Net in a more risky way; however, it is more common for the girls to have more family problems resulting from the use of this medium. The age variable did not show any significant differences in this respect.
Authors and Affiliations
Maria Chuchra, Marzena Wróblewska
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