Ontogenetic Changes in Osmatic Resistance of Erythrocytes Indicators and in Level of Dehydroepiandrosterone-Sulfate in the Serum of Rats’ Blood


The erythrocyte membrane and the humoral regulation system are the most sensitive to various adverse factors impact. The osmatic resistance of red blood cells and the level of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate can be used as a marker of many pathological conditions and metabolic shifts that occur in different age periods. The aim of the paper is to establish the interconnection between the indices of erythrocytes osmatic resistance and the level of ehydroepiandrosterone sulfate in the serum of rats’ blood. Experiments were carried out on non-linear, nonbreeding white male rats. They were divided into 3 groups: І group – the juvenile age of the sexually mature period; ІІ group – the young age of the reproductive period; ІІІ group – the mature age of the reproductive period. The osmatic resistance of erythrocytes was determined by the standard method of L.I. Idelsohn, and the DHEA-S level was determined by the electro-chemiluminescent method on the Roche Elecsys 2010 analyzer. We analyzed the osmatic resistance of erythrocytes in rats of different ages and found out those indicators were within the normal range (0,37 ± 0,02%) among the rats of the juvenile age. Among young rats the ORE index significantly increases 1,5 times and among rats of the mature age it is 1,43 times more than among the rats of the juvenile age. Also in comparison with rats of the juvenile age irreversible processes of hemolysis of red blood cells exist at higher concentrations of a hypotonic solution in two other groups. The highest rate of hemolysis of erythrocytes is among rats of mature age. In this group, the rate is significantly higher by 12% and 15% compared with juvenile and young rats, respectively. Sensitive to age-related changes in anabolic hormone is dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate. In males of juvenile age the hormone level was 11,67 ± 0,04 mg/dl. In other age groups the decrease of the level of DHEA-S in the rats blood serum was observed. The lowest level of hormone was observed in males of mature age. Therefore, the hormone level in this group is significantly lower by 91% relative to juvenile rats and 87% lower in comparison with young males. Based on the results of the ORE and the DHEA-S level, a correlation analysis was performed. Moderate and strong inverse correlations between the age-related changes of the studied indicators were established. The strongest negative correlation was established between the level of DHEA-S and the index of irreversible hemolysis of erythrocytes. The correlation coefficient between the level of the hormone and the rate of hemolysis in this group was r = – 0,88. The obtained results may indicate the presence of ontogenetic changes in the osmatic resistance of membranes and the level of DHEA-S. The highest value of the ORE index and the hemolysis rate of erythrocytes are characteristic for males of mature age. This may indicate the decrease in osmatic resistance with age. The level of DHEA-S in groups of rats of the juvenile age is the highest among the three age groups studied, and in males it is 91% lower. Between the indices of osmatic resistance of erythrocytes and the level of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, reliable inverse correlation links are established.

Authors and Affiliations

V. Mizin, S. Lukashov


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How To Cite

V. Mizin, S. Lukashov (2017). Ontogenetic Changes in Osmatic Resistance of Erythrocytes Indicators and in Level of Dehydroepiandrosterone-Sulfate in the Serum of Rats’ Blood. Український журнал медицини, біології та спорту, 5(3), 194-200. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-269424