Оперативно-розшукова характеристика вбивства із приміткою «безвісно відсутня особа»


У статті зроблено спробу надати оперативно-розшукову характеристику вбивства з приміткою «безвісно відсутня особа». Для досягнення вказаної мети проаналізовано наукову літературу, чинне законодавство та емпіричний матеріал. У статті доволі ґрунтовно надано кримінально-правову, кримінологічну та криміналістичну характеристики для визначення таких аспектів, які є суттєвими для оперативно-розшукової характеристики вбивства з приміткою «безвісно відсутня особа». Підсумовано, що знання оперативними працівниками оперативно-розшукової характеристики вбивства з приміткою «безвісно відсутня особа» надасть змогу їм швидше приймати рішення щодо найбільш оптимальних напрямів пошуку безвісно відсутніх осіб. The article attempts to provide an operational-wanted murder characteristic with the note "missing person", since: - firstly, according to statistics, a significant part of citizens who disappeared in unclear circumstances become victims of grave and especially grave criminal offenses, in particular murders; - secondly, given that it is very important to seek such persons in the aspect of solving citizens' appeals for establishing a place of living for relatives or close relatives, for which, for various reasons, relatives have been lost; Restoration of social status, civil and other state-guaranteed rights of persons who have lost their memory by age or by trauma or disease, disorientated, etc.; - thirdly, according to statistics, in today's Ukraine, more than 10 thousand people are not found in Ukraine during the previous years, of which 4,500 people are wanted for operational searches (hereinafter referred to as "ODR"), while the rest - for operational- Wanted records Taking into account the author's stated, it is determined that today the definition of operational-search characteristics of the murder with the note "missing person" is rather topical. To achieve this goal, the author analyzes scientific literature, current legislation and empirical material. At the same time, the article deals with the criminal law, criminological and forensic characteristics with a view to identifying such aspects that are essential for the operational-search characteristics of the murder with the note "missing person". Taking into account the results of the study of empirical material, we can offer the following qualification of missing persons: 1) persons who, at their discretion, have decided to obtain the status of a person who is missing a person for subjective reasons, namely: - hiding from pre-trial investigation bodies, investigating judge and court; - hiding from their environment (relatives, friends, relatives, etc.), for example, through quarrels, debts, etc.; - evasion from the serving of criminal punishment; 2) persons who have disappeared in vain due to the presence of various diseases (psychiatric, mental health disorders), the presence of other serious illnesses or those associated with the elderly; 3) persons who have disappeared in vain, but for which no crimes were committed, however, the person does not want to have a permanent place of residence, work, and notify himself or herself to relatives or friends; 4) persons who have disappeared indecistically in the area of the Anti-terrorist operation, or were residents of temporarily occupied territories; 5) persons who have disappeared for no reason, for obvious reasons and for which there are grounds to consider the possibility of committing the last criminal acts (murder, sexual slavery, abduction, etc.). As the conclusion of the study, it is stated that the knowledge of operatives of operative and search characteristics of the murder with the note "missing person" will enable the latter to make quick decisions on the most optimal ways to search for missing persons.

Authors and Affiliations

В. В. Корх


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В. В. Корх (2017). Оперативно-розшукова характеристика вбивства із приміткою «безвісно відсутня особа». Вісник Луганського державного університету внутрішніх справ імені Е.О. Дідоренка, 79(3), 230-239. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-418176