Особливості підготовки та проведення слідчого експерименту під час досудового розслідування кримінальних правопорушень, учинених із застосуванням вогнепальної зброї
Journal Title: Вісник Луганського державного університету внутрішніх справ імені Е.О. Дідоренка - Year 2018, Vol 81, Issue 1
На підставі аналізу здобутків судової балістики й матеріалів практики проведення слідчих експериментів розглянуто проблеми, які виникають під час реконструкції обставин події кримінальних правопорушень, учинених із застосуванням вогнепальної зброї. Надано рекомендації щодо підвищення ефективності проведення цієї слідчої (розшукової) дії. Based on the analysis of the achievements of judicial ballistics and materials of the practice of conducting investigative experiments, problems encountered in the reconstruction of the circumstances of an incident of criminal offenses committed with the use of firearms were considered. Recommendations are formulated to increase the effectiveness of this investigative (investigative) action. The need for the experiment preparation process to establish data on the type and characteristics of the firearm, ammunition and weapons equipment (model, system, caliber, number of barrels of duel holes, use of special muzzle devices, structural changes), data on the location and distance from which shot on the versions of various participants in the experiment, information on the mode of fire and the number of shots; the number of input and output damage on clothes, body and obstacles (objects of the situation), their exact location, distance from the level of stops or other permanent landmarks, the direction (in degrees) and the depth (in centimeters) of damage, traces of bounce; about the direction of the wound channel in the victim's body or the angle of the encounter with another obstacle, the placement of the shooter, his pose, the victim's posture. It is recommended to involve experts of such specialties for conducting an investigative experiment: 1) examination of weapons; 2) the trarological examination; 3) explosion engineering expertise; 4) forensic medical examination. The tasks of specialists are formulated: participation in monitoring the correct implementation of the investigative experiment, that is, ensuring the adequacy of criteria for comparing circumstances that require specification or verification; participation in obtaining data that will be initial for solving specific expert tasks. In this case, the task of the forensic physician will be the analysis and reconstruction of injuries on the human body, experts in the field of weapons expertise - the study of the conditions that determined the trajectory of the flight of the bullet, the necessary measurements, etc. The efficiency of using the sighting method in solving the problems of the investigative action of the sighting method with the purpose of establishing the mutual location of the weapon and the victim, the direction of the flight of the firearm was demonstrated. The methods of sighting are analyzed, the choice of which depends on the type of bullet damage, the conditions of the shot, the nature of the situation in which the event occurred.
Authors and Affiliations
Володимир Сергійович Бондар
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