Закон про кримінальну відповідальність та кримінально-правові норми: питання соціальної обумовленості


У статті розглянуто різні значення терміна «закон про кримінальну відповідальність», а також його співвідношення з кримінально-правовою нормою. З’ясовано, яке з двох названих понять варто використовувати під час вирішення питання щодо соціальної обумовленості. The article discusses the various meanings of the term "law of criminal liability", as well as its relation to criminal-law rules. We prove which of the two concepts should be used when deciding on the social conditioning. The term "law of criminal liability" is used in two senses: to refer Criminal Code and one of his articles and even part of the article. The need to use the term "law of criminal responsibility" for determining not only to the Criminal Code, but its structural elements (criminal-law rules) is caused by several factors. First, the norms of the Special Part of the Criminal Code contain pronounced prohibitions. These prohibitions addressed to population. They are differ not only the object of protection, but also the nature of the acts that are inadmissible. Second, not only the Criminal Code as a whole and its separate article (or even part) have an independent effect the perception of the content and effects of. Y. Baulin says that in terms of psychological, information and value-orientation influence the criminal-law rules is addressed to for a certain number of persons, to whom it renders their influence. Thirdly, as already noted in Part. 1, Art. 3 of the Criminal Code called "legislation", which is always a set of laws. Fourth, in ch. 2, Art. 3 of the Criminal Code in the plural said that the Code include "laws". Fifth, in ch. 5, Art. 3 of the Criminal Code again in plural of said that "laws" of criminal liability must comply with international legal agreements. From this emerged that the latter must meet not only the Code as a whole, and each law separately. Sixth, in all parts of the Art. 5 of the Criminal Code and its title "reverse effect of the law on criminal responsibility at the time" the term "law" is used in the singular. It follows that we must address the question of retroactive separate law, not code. The foregoing suggests that the consequentially would explore the social determination of the law on criminal responsibility. However, despite the fact that social determination depends on the type, and criminal-law doctrine has become customary in this respect, divided into types of not laws, but divided rules, without resort to them decide on the of social conditioning perceived illogical. Therefore, during the solution of scientific problems, on the one hand, there is no reason to abandon the term "law" on the other, because different types of criminal relationship corresponds to different types of rules, not laws – it makes sense to write about the social determination of criminal-law rules, using the term as a synonym of "the law of criminal responsibility". Mind that warning also that turn "types of law on criminal responsibility" in science is used in a very different sense. This is the Criminal Code and the laws of interim action, which are not included in the Criminal Code. Note that terms "security laws of criminal responsibility", "regulatory laws of criminal responsibility", and especially "laws-definitions" and "incentive laws" – in criminal-legal doctrine is not used. However, depending on the type of rules (or laws) should decide on their social conditioning. This is due to the different functionality of the latter. Given this logical assumptions about the unequal circumstances (both in their number and name), by which social determination defined laws of criminal liability (criminal-law rules) of various kinds. Installation of these circumstances and the content of each of them is the prospect of further scientific research in the test direction.

Authors and Affiliations

Олександр Олександрович Пащенко


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Олександр Олександрович Пащенко (2017). Закон про кримінальну відповідальність та кримінально-правові норми: питання соціальної обумовленості. Вісник Луганського державного університету внутрішніх справ імені Е.О. Дідоренка, 80(4), 104-111. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-416949