Ophthalmologic and pediatric predictors of the development of the acquired myopya in children
Journal Title: ScienceRise: Medical Science - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 4
The aim of the research - to conduct an analysis of ophthalmologic and pediatric factors contributing to the development of acquired myopia in children. Methods of research: We examined 52 children (104 eyes) aged from 6 to 13 years without ophthalmic pathology. Visual acuity in all children was 1.0. The observation period was 12–24 months. A dynamic monitoring of this group of children showed that myopia subsequently developed in 26 children (52 eyes) of the main group, and in 26 children (52 eyes) myopia was not observed (control group). We performed an ophthalmologic examination and determination of the presence of phenotypic signs of the syndrome of connective tissue dysplasia and the degree of its severity. Results: The conducted factor analysis revealed 3 main factors that were designated as an «anatomical-constitutional» factor (48.9% of the total dispersion), «hereditary» (7.6% of the total dispersion) and «morphometric» (7.1% of the total dispersion). When using ROC-analysis, optimal distribution points of the indicators that influence the development of acquired myopia were determined. The сut-off value of the corneal refractive index was ≤41.5 dpm, the axial length of the eye ≥23.9 mm, the radius of the cornea ≥7.88 mm, the corneal diameter ≥11.85 mm, the thickness of the layer of peripapillary nerve fibers ≤95.0 μm, reserve of relative accommodation ≤ 1.5 dpi, degree of dysplasia ≥2.0. The statistically significant correlation relations between the degree of connective tissue dysplasia and the anatomical-optical parameters of the visual analyzer were revealed: refractive corneal force (r=-0.68, p <0.05), axial eye length (r=0.58, p <0 , 05), radius of the cornea (r=0.71, p <0.05), corneal diameter (r=0.77, p <0.05), thickness of the layer of the peripapillary nerve fibers (r=-0.42, p <0,05) and the reserve of relative accommodation (r=-0,79, p <0,05). The correlation between the myopia heredity and the degree of dysplasia was (r=0.37, p <0.05). Thus, the risk of acquired myopia is higher in children with syndrome of connective tissue dysplasia, which emphasizes the importance and necessity of a multidisciplinary approach in the study of children with this pathology
Authors and Affiliations
Tamila Tsybulska
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