Opinia prawna w sprawie kwalifikowania pobierania pożytków z własności nieruchomości oraz członkostwa w organach osób prawnych jako „działalności gospodarczej”
Journal Title: Zeszyty Prawnicze Biura Analiz Sejmowych - Year 2015, Vol 48, Issue 4
Admis‑ sibility of treating the reception of proceeds from the property under a lease agreement as business activity is dependent on its connection with business activity of the lessor or enterprise owned by him. In the event that the object of joint ownership put into use under the lease agreement is part of the state or municipal property, in the light of Article 34 para. 1 of the Act on the Exercise of the Mandate of a Deputy or Senator, this is the circumstance that prevents the exercise of the mandate of a Deputy simultaneously with the drawing profits from such an object of joint ownership. Membership in the company management, control and inspection bodies or the status of the commercial representative of such a company cannot be held jointly with the exercise of the Deputy’s mandate only in relation to companies with the participation of state or municipal legal persons or with businesses involving such persons. We must find it inadmissible to perform jointly the functions of Vice-Marshal (Deputy Speaker) of Sejm with the membership of a board of commercial companies, regard‑ less of whether he/she started running a business.
Authors and Affiliations
Bogusław Lackoroński
Projekt stanowiska Sejmu w sprawie o sygn. akt K 5/17
In the proposed Sejm draft position on the case, ref. no. K 5/17, concerning methods of election of members of the National Council of the Judiciary’s, provided by rules the Act on the National Council of the Judiciary,...
Bezpieczeństwo procesów wyborczych (uwagi de lege lata i de lege ferenda na tle rozwiązań stosowanych w państwach demokratycznych)
The subject of the article concerns securing elections against various kinds of manipulations and other dangers regarding determination of result of the ballot. The starting point is the principle of free and fair electi...
Rola Trybunału Konstytucyjnego w procedurze impeachmentu w Korei Południowej
The author describes the history and functioning of the Constitutional Tribunal of the Republic of Korea. The article also discusses the procedure of impeachment in the South Korean system since the adoption of the Const...
Opinia prawna dotycząca możliwości dochodzenia odszkodowania w sytuacji doznania przez dziecko niepożądanego odczynu poszczepiennego i powikłań poszczepiennych
The obligation to submit preventive vaccination is stipulated in provisions of the Act on Preventing and Combating Infections and Infectious Diseases among People. A producer of a vaccine may be liable for damage caused...
Opinia prawna w sprawie art. 71 ustawy o Instytucie Pamięci Narodowej – Komisji Ścigania Zbrodni przeciwko Narodowi Polskiemu
In the author’s view, Article 71 of the Act on the National Remembrance Institute (IPN) it is a good legislative product which does not require changes. The possible establishment of supervision of the Inspector General...