Projekt stanowiska Sejmu w sprawie o sygn. akt K 5/17

Journal Title: Zeszyty Prawnicze Biura Analiz Sejmowych - Year 2017, Vol 55, Issue 3


In the proposed Sejm draft position on the case, ref. no. K 5/17, concerning methods of election of members of the National Council of the Judiciary’s, provided by rules the Act on the National Council of the Judiciary, the author claims that these rules are incompatible with the Constitution. Omission of regulations which state that terms of office of all members should commence on the same date is another reason of unconstitutionality of these provisions.

Authors and Affiliations

Jadwiga Potrzeszcz


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How To Cite

Jadwiga Potrzeszcz (2017). Projekt stanowiska Sejmu w sprawie o sygn. akt K 5/17. Zeszyty Prawnicze Biura Analiz Sejmowych, 55(3), 205-238.