Projekt stanowiska Sejmu w sprawie o sygn. akt SK 19/15
Journal Title: Zeszyty Prawnicze Biura Analiz Sejmowych - Year 2016, Vol 50, Issue 2
In the proposed draft position the author claims that the contested article of the Act – Geological and Mining Law is compatible with Article 45 para. 1 of the Constitution. The decision approving the concession for the extraction of minerals from the deposit is related to environmental decision - the arrangements on the environment protection and environmental impact of the project, contained in the environmental decision are binding on the entity awarding concessions. Environmental decision are subject to oversight both the appellate and court proceedings. The author argues that the instruments provided for by the legislature ensure protection of the interests of owners of property adjacent to that on which projects negatively affecting the environment (including neighbourhood) are carried out.
Authors and Affiliations
Zbigniew Gromek
Opinia prawna w sprawie ustawy o Bankowym Funduszu Gwarancyjnym, systemie gwarantowania depozytów oraz przymusowej restrukturyzacji
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Opinia prawna na temat petycji Sebastiana Adamowicza w sprawie nowelizacji art. 130 § 1 i 147a § 1 Kodeksu wykroczeń
The first proposed amendment concerns the elimination of Article 120 of the Misdemeanours Code, what is justified by the fact that the concept of arms, ambition and explosive materials and devices does not encompass tree...
Opinia prawna w sprawie udostępniania osobom trzecim pism wpływających do biura poselskiego
The author states that a Deputy does not have an obligation to make available document received from a private person, regardless the content of the document. Parliamentary immunity, according to the author, does not rel...
Analiza propozycji zmiany art. 35 ust. 1 ustawy z 28 lipca 2005 r. o kosztach sądowych w sprawach cywilnych poprzez obliczanie opłaty stosunkowej, pobieranej w sprawach z zakresu prawa pracy i ubezpieczeń społecznych, w których wartość przedmiotu sporu przewyższa kwotę 50 000 zł, od nadwyżki tej kwoty
In the opinion it was stressed that the current statute does not use a progressive method, which reflects in a better way the relationship between the employee’s financial situation and the extent of burdens related to t...
Analiza stopnia implementacji postanowień konwencji dotyczących bezpaństwowców z 1954 r. i 1961 r. w prawie polskim
The subject of the opinion is an analysis of the degree of implementation of provisions of the Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons of 1954 and the Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness of 1961 i...