Opinia prawna na temat petycji Sebastiana Adamowicza w sprawie nowelizacji art. 130 § 1 i 147a § 1 Kodeksu wykroczeń
Journal Title: Zeszyty Prawnicze Biura Analiz Sejmowych - Year 2017, Vol 54, Issue 2
The first proposed amendment concerns the elimination of Article 120 of the Misdemeanours Code, what is justified by the fact that the concept of arms, ambition and explosive materials and devices does not encompass trees and coarse woody debris. The author justifies the necessity of that amendment analyzing inadequate regulations included in the provisions in their current shape. The second suggested amendment concerns a former replacement of the term “Health Maintenance Organisation” with the term “Healthcare Entity”. As a result of his modification it became more difficult to define the scope of criminalisation of acts under Article 147a of the Misdemeanours Code., i.e. running a healthcare maintenance organisation without required entry into a register or obligatory registration. The scope of both terms raises considerable doubts. In the past it was suggested that Article 147a of the Misdemeanours Codem should concern treatment performed by both doctors and nurses. It is necessary to amend the discussed provision in order to effectively define the activity which it concerns.
Authors and Affiliations
Paweł Bachmat
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