Opinia prawna w sprawie skutków wyroku Trybunału Konstytucyjnego z 5 lutego 2015 r. (sygn. akt K 60/13) w odniesieniu do tzw. członków oczekujących spółdzielni mieszkaniowych
Journal Title: Zeszyty Prawnicze Biura Analiz Sejmowych - Year 2017, Vol 55, Issue 3
The subject of the opinion is providing answer to a question whether, in a view of the indicated Constitutional Tribunal’s judgement, a housing cooperative has the right to deprive a pending person – who paid housing contribution in the shape of saved cash from a housing passbook on account of a flat – of membership of the cooperative. It flows from the Constitutional Tribunal’s judgement that only such natural persons who are entitled to cooperative tenant law for the apartment, cooperative ownership law for the apartment, separate ownership or the promise of separate ownership can be members of the housing cooperative. Admission to the housing cooperative of a person, who does not possess one of the rights indicated in the judgement is not admissible.
Authors and Affiliations
Małgorzata Bajor-Stachańczyk
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