Opinia prawna w sprawie prawnego uregulowania statusu małżonków Prezydenta RP, Prezesa Rady Ministrów oraz ambasadora RP
Journal Title: Zeszyty Prawnicze Biura Analiz Sejmowych - Year 2017, Vol 53, Issue 1
This opinion aims to present legal status of spouses of the President of the Republic of Poland, the Prime Minister and an ambassador. Legal situation of a spouse of the President of the Republic of Poland is not legally regulated. Although there is no formal prohibition of his/her professional activity, there is an accepted practice that the spouse performs only representative functions “by the President’s side”. This activity is not remunerated and, thus there is no deduction of pension contributions. Under separate regulations spouses are entitled to benefits and health care. A similar situation occurs in the case of a spouses of the Prime Minister, but in practice they do not perform representative functions, but continue their professional activity. A different situation takes place in case of a husband/wife of an ambassador, because their legal status is governed by the Act of 27th July 2001 on the Foreign Service.
Authors and Affiliations
Ewelina Gierach
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