Zmiany kursu franka szwajcarskiego a sytuacja prawna kredytobiorców – wybrane zagadnienia
Journal Title: Zeszyty Prawnicze Biura Analiz Sejmowych - Year 2015, Vol 45, Issue 1
Changes of the currency rate of CHF and legal position of the borrowers – selected issues: In January 2015 the Swiss National Bank took the decision to stop keeping the exchange rate of CHF into EUR at the minimum level. Since that, the exchange rate of CHF has been changed and grown up significantly. As in many loan agreements in Poland the amount of loan is denominated in CHF, its exchange rate fluctuations are phenomenon which is subject of interest and research not only from economic, but also from legal point of view. It is to underline that many of the loans denominated in CHF are long-term housing loans. The reason for many of the housing loans in Poland are denominated in CHF was their better availability especially for the people who wanted to acquire the first flat. In this article the impact of the exchange rate of CHF fluctuations on legal position of the borrowers is considered especially in the light of provisions of the Polish Civil Code (art. 3571 – the rebus sic stantibus clause; art. 3581 § 3 – the court-declared valorisation; art. 82–88 – defects in declaration of intent) and the bill on prevention of unfair business-to-consumer commercial practices.
Authors and Affiliations
Bogusław Lackoroński
Opinia prawna na temat wniosku z 11 lipca 2016 r. o wyrażenie zgody na pociągnięcie do odpowiedzialności pana H.K., przedłożonego przez oskarżyciela subsydiarnego posiłkowego E.K., reprezentowaną przez pełnomocnika – adwokata Z.K.
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