Sąd nad przedsądem. Ocena propozycji zniesienia instytucji przedsądu w świetle danych empirycznych (druk sejmowy nr 2697)
Journal Title: Zeszyty Prawnicze Biura Analiz Sejmowych - Year 2018, Vol 60, Issue 4
In the context of the presented bill there is a conflict of two socially and legally significant values. One of them is the rapidity of proceedings before the Supreme Court, while the other one is the need to ensure protection of the rights and interests of entities submitting cassation complaint, in case such rights and interests have been violated as a result of the appealed decision. The abolition of the institution of a pre-trial and the transfer of all cassation appeals to the substantive recognition by the Supreme Court will cause a significant increase in the number of pending civil cases and will also extend the average duration of proceedings before the Supreme Court. In order to implement the proposed regulations, the possibility of increasing the number of judges or judicial assistants in the Civil Chamber and the Chamber of Labor and Social Insurance should be considered.
Authors and Affiliations
Rafał Dubowski
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