Opinia prawna w sprawie wybranych aspektów zaspokojenia roszczeń deponentów SKOK Wołomin
Journal Title: Zeszyty Prawnicze Biura Analiz Sejmowych - Year 2015, Vol 48, Issue 4
Pursuant to Article 316, para. 1 of the Bankruptcy and Recovery Law, in the course of bankruptcy proceedings bankrupt company should be sold first as a whole, unless this is not possible. In the event that participants in the bankruptcy proceedings applied to the court of first instance hearing the case to make request to the ECJ for a preliminary ruling, the court taking into account the state of affairs will consider whether the Court’s position is necessary for the resolution of the case and may decide that Court’s interpretation of EU law is not indispensable. The national court will be obliged to apply to the ECJ, upon the request of the participant in the proceedings, with a reference for preliminary ruling if it considers that the interpretation of Community law is indispensable for the case resolution and that it finds itself to be the court from whose judgments there is no appeal.
Authors and Affiliations
Przemysław Sobolewski
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