Opinions of nurses on stress-generating factors related to their work environment
Journal Title: Pielęgniarstwo XXI wieku - Year 2014, Vol 13, Issue 1
Aim. Professional work and career should bring satisfaction and have a positive effect on people’s lives. However, working in some professions, including medical ones, is specifically associated with everyday stress. Inability to cope with that stress may significantly reduce the level of job satisfaction. The main objective of the research presented in this paper was to identify the most and the least significant stressors that nurses encounter at work, regardless of their exact place of work (i.e. wards). Materials and methods. A group of 90 nurses working at three different wards of a hospital in Małopolska Region took part in the survey. It was carried out using a diagnostic poll method and a questionnaire concerning nurses’ views on work stress-generating factors. The results were analysed statistically. Results. The respondents pointed out that they experienced stress in their professional life. One of the most frequent sources of that stress is their awareness of the responsibility they bear to protect people’s health and lives. Another stress causing factors are unsatisfactory financial gratification, lack of support from their superiors and confrontational attitude of patients’ family members that in turn contributes to the lack of respect for their work. Conclusion. For nurses, the most significant stress-generating factors are those related to their patients and organisation of work environment.
Authors and Affiliations
Agnieszka Skorupska-Król, Anna Szabla, Iwona Bodys-Cupak
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