Opinions of the Poles about Postulated Changes in Electoral Law
Journal Title: Białostockie Studia Prawnicze - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue 20
Aft er many years of eff ort, in 2011, a large package of new solutions was introduced to the Polish electoral law (postal-voting, quotas, etc.). But the process of changing electoral law cannot be considered as complete. Some of the solutions implemented require adjustment and modifi cation (such as electoral quotas). It is also worth taking into account, inter alia, demographic changes and technological developments; considering the prospects for the evolution of mechanisms in the long term (such as the introduction of electronic voting and reducing the voting age). A few weeks before the European Parliament elections in 2014, the Centre of Electoral Studies and the Public Opinion Research Center, conducted polls to assess public opinion on a group of constructions that were being considered by experts and in parliamentary works on electoral law. Th e research shows that Poles are against the proposed reduction in voting age (to 16 years) as well as against removal of the ‘electoral silence’ period. Opinion on electoral quotas was divided. Th e research also showed that although Poles are open to new, remote methods of voting (e.g. postal voting), they still preferred the ‘classic way’ of voting in polling stations which they regarded as being the most trustworthy.
Authors and Affiliations
Beata Roguska, Jarosław Zbieranek
Glosa do wyroku Sądu Apelacyjnego w Krakowie z dnia 6 września 2012 r. (sygn. I ACa 723/12)
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