Optimisation of Product-Mix by its Shrinkage in Rehabilitation of the Iron&Steel Works
Journal Title: Quality Procedings - Year 2015, Vol 9, Issue
As a consequence of the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina 1992-1995 it happened that from 1992 till 2007, Iron and Steel Works in Zenica was closed as the integrated iron and steel works, but two small Electric Arc Furnaces(EAF), a few remaining Open Heart Furnaces and newly built 100t EAF (that one was built after the war), were giving all that time a small scale, but important, non-profit production. After the war that Iron and Steel Works has been passing several privatization stages as BH Steel, LNm, Mittal Steel and ArcelorMittal, and it is now privatized as 91% owned by ArcelorMittal. This paper is an attempt to present the variant about an optimisation of product-mix through its shrinkage in different time periods regarding economy frame-work, and plant rehabilitation process.
Authors and Affiliations
Faik Uzunović, Aida Franjić, Šaban Žuna
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