Оптимізація роботи металургійного підприємства шляхом аналізу експлуатаційних показників роботи кар’єрних самоскидів

Journal Title: Математичне моделювання - Year 2018, Vol 1, Issue 2


OPTIMIZATION OF THE WORKOF METALLURGICAL ENTERPRISES BY ANALYZING OPERATIONAL PARAMETERS OF THE WORK OF DUMPTRUCKS Sereda B.P., Mukovska D.Y. Abstract In the article a comparative analysis of the spatial performance indexes of the carrier dump trucks, depending on the seasonality. The following performance indicators are subject to analysis: average mileage with cargo, average number of the ride, average length of the ride, average number of dump trucks at work, average operating speed, specific fuel consumption, average load per ride, average volume of cargo transported. For each operating parameter were given dynamic series. For each indicator, the main statistical characteristics such as average sample, variance, standard deviation, coefficient of variation. The statistical analysis of the operating performance of dump trucks showed the following results. The average monthly mileage of dump trucks in the summer is 7.9 % ніж у зимовий. The average number of dump bikes in the winter exceeds the average number by 21.2 %. The average length of the ride in the summer is 27.8 more than in winter period. The average number of dump trucks is approximately the same. Average operating speed in summer is more than in the winter period by 12.49 %. The specific fuel consumption per ton of cargo carried in the summer exceeds by 6.2 % than in the winter period. Specific fuel consumption per 1 km of run on 25.6 % in the summer is more than in the winter. The average ride load in the summer season is 1.88 % higher than in the winter. The average monthly volume of goods carried in the winter period is 18 % less than in the summer period. The practical value of the results obtained suggests that the calculations obtained are the analytical basis for making decisions on optimizing the transport process in the conditions of the metallurgical enterprise. References [1] Pomazkov M.V., Simkin A.I. Mekhanizm operativnogo upravleniya otsenkoy tekhnicheskogo sostoyaniya parka bolshegruznykh avtosamosvalov v metallurgicheskom proizvodstve. [The mechanism of operational management evaluates the technical condition of the fleet of heavy-duty dump trucks in the metallurgical industry] Zakhist metalurgiynikh mashin vid polomok: zb. naukovyx pracz / PDTU. – Mariupol, 2009. Vyp. 11. – C. 87–89. (in Ukrainian). [2] Vagonova O.G., Bondarenko L.A. Economichna efektyvnist ecspluataciyi vitchyznyanyx avtosamoskydiv na karyerax yak chynnyk pidvyshhnnya yixnoyi konkurentospromozhnosti [Economic efficiency of operation of domestic dump trucks in quarries as a factor of increasing their competitiveness] Available at: http://www.economy.nayka.com.ua/?op=1&z=4272 (accessed 17.11.2018). (in Ukrainian). [3] Anisimov O.O., Dovgalyk I.A. Doslidzhenny pokaznykiv roboty kar’yernyx samoskydiv ta pidvyshhnnya yix produktyvnosti v umovax Stryzhanvskogo rodovyshha sigmatytiv [Research of performance indicators of career dump trucks and increase of their productivity in the conditions of their productivity in the conditions of the Stryzhav deposit of migmatites] Available at: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/znpngu_2015_49_5 (accessed 07.11.2018). (in Ukrainian). [4] Chaplins’kyy V.S., Kyrbytyuk H.V. Doslidzhennya faktornykh parametriv transportnoho protsesu kar’’yernykh samoskydsv simeystva BeLAZ [Investigation of factor parameters of the transport process of dump trucks of BeLAZ family] Available at: http://intkonf.org/index.php?s=%s=%F7%E0%EF%EB%ED%F1%FC%EA%E8E9&Submit=%CF%EE%F8%F3%EA (accessed 04.11.2018). (in Ukrainian). [5] Moroz M.M. Organizaciya perevezen girnychoyi masy na PAT «Kremenchuczke karyeroupravlinnya «Kvarcz» [Organization of transportation of rock mass at «Kremenchug Quarry Management «Quartz»] Available at: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/Srt_2014_2_21 (accessed 07.11.2018). (in Ukrainian). [6] Pomazkov M.V. Zabezpecnnya resursozberezhennya samosky’div v marshrutax uty’lizaciyi metalurgijny’x shlakiv I shlamiv: aftoref. dys. na zdobuttya nauk. stupenya kand. tekhn. nauk: spets. 05.22.12 “Promy’slovy’j transport”[Providing resource-saving dump trucks in the routes of utilization of metallurgical slags and sludge. Abstract of diss. for obtaining sciences. degree candidate tech sciences: special 05.22.12 “Industrial transport”]. Mariupol, 2011. 35 с. (in Ukrainian).

Authors and Affiliations

Б. П. Середа, Д. Я. Муковська


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  • EP ID EP444765
  • DOI 10.31319/2519-8106.2(39)2018.154238
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How To Cite

Б. П. Середа, Д. Я. Муковська (2018). Оптимізація роботи металургійного підприємства шляхом аналізу експлуатаційних показників роботи кар’єрних самоскидів. Математичне моделювання, 1(2), 163-169. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-444765