Оптимизация технологии получения многокомпонентных покрытий на основе титана в условиях СВС

Journal Title: Математичне моделювання - Year 2017, Vol 1, Issue 2


OPTIMIZATION OF TECHNOLOGY OF RECEIPT OF MULTICOMPONENT COVERINGS ON BASIS OF TITAN IN THE CONDITIONS OF SHS. Sereda B.P., Palekhova I.V., Kruglyak I.V. Abstract One of effective methods of chemical - thermal treatment , allowing to improve corrosive, wearproofness, heat-tolerance of steel details, there is a joint satiation titan and aluminium from powder-like environments. The traditional methods of chemical - thermal treatment are characterized thus considerable duration of process and high maintenance of m of basic saturant elements in powder-like mixture. In this connection, application of technologies allowing to get coverage at a limit or minimum time of their forming is actual, and also to bring down the percentage of saturant elements in mixtures at maintenance of operating properties of coverings. Authors are consider gas-transport SHS- technology of receipt of multicomponent titanic coverings in the mode of thermal spontaneous combustion. An aim hired is development of optimal compositions of powder-like SHS- mixes for causing of titanic-alumunium coverings in the mode of thermal spontaneous combustion, study of influence of additions-catalysts on thermophysical properties of SHS-mixes and flowing of process of diffusive satiation in non-stationary temperature terms. Comparative analysis of technological parameters of SHS- process, structure, phase, chemical composition and properties of the coverings got in SHS-mixes without additions of metals-activators and with them, and also estimation of quality of the formed coverings. Drawn conclusion authors about expedience of application of SHS-technology for the receipt of multicomponent wearproof coverings on steels. For intensification of processes of diffusive satiation and decline of energy consumptions on the stage of the inert warming up, introduction can be recommended in the complement of reactionary mixtures of metals-catalysts. As a result of researches drawn conclusion, that titanic- aluminized became with SHS-coverings as compared to diffusive analogues possess the improved operating properties at the decline of duration of treatment. References [1] Zemskov G.V., Kogan R.L., Miljuhina L.V., Stepanenko L.B., Shestakov A.I., Koss E.V. Diffuzionnye karbidnye pokrytija na stali//Zashhitnye pokrytija na metallah. Vyp.6, 1972 (in Russian). [2] Voroshnin L.G. Antikorrozionnye diffuzionnye pokrytija – Minsk: Nauka i tehnika, 1981 – 296 p. (in Russian). [3] Polevoj S.N., Evdokimov V.D. Uprochnenie mashinostroitel'nyh materialov:Spravochnik-2 izd., pererab. i dop.– M: Mashinostroenie, 1994 – 496 p. (in Russian). [4] Mnogokomponentnye diffuzionnye pokrytija / Ljahovich L.S., Voroshnin L.G., Panich G.G., Shherbakov Je.D. – Minsk: Nauka i tehnika, 1974 – 236 p. (in Russian). [5] Himiko-termicheskaja obrabotka metallov i splavov: Spravochnik / pod red. Ljahovicha L.S.– M.: Metallurgija, 1981.– 424 p. (in Russian). [6] Merzhanov A.G. Processy gorenija i sintez materialov.- Chernogolovka: ISMAN, 1998.– 512 p. (in Russian). [7] Grigor’ev Y.M., Merzhanov A.G. SHS coatings / Int. J. of SHS, 1992, v.1, №4.– pp. 600–639 (references) [8] Kogan Ja.D., Sereda B.P., Shtessel' Je.A. Vysokointensivnyj sposob poluchenija pokrytij v uslovijah SVS / Metallovedenie i termicheskaja obrabotka metallov, 1991, №6.– pp. 39–40 (in Russian). [9] Sereda B.P. Poluchenie zashhitnyh pokrytij v uslovijah SVS // Novye materialy i tehnologii.- Bel'fort: NIIF, 1991.–278 p. (in Russian). [10] Shefer G. Himicheskie transportnye reakcii.– M.: Mir, 1964.– 189 p. (in Russian). [11] Bekkert M., Klemm H. Spravochnik po metallograficheskomu travleniju.– M.: Metallurgija, 1979.– 336 p. (in Russian). [12] Sinjarev G.B., Vatolin N.A., Trusov B.G., Moiseev R.K. Primenenie JeVM dlja termodinamicheskih raschetov metallurgicheskih processov .– M.: Nauka, 1982. – 263p. (in Russian). [13] Shatinskij V.F., Nesterenko A.I. Zashhitnye diffuzionnye pokrytija.– Kiev: Nauk. dumka, 1988.– 272 p. (in Russian).

Authors and Affiliations

Б. П. Середа, И. В. Палехова


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How To Cite

Б. П. Середа, И. В. Палехова (2017). Оптимизация технологии получения многокомпонентных покрытий на основе титана в условиях СВС. Математичне моделювання, 1(2), 38-42. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-276909