Optimization of the informative field of forming the initial sales plan of an enterprise
Journal Title: Економіка: реалії часу - Year 2016, Vol 1, Issue 23
The aim of the article is to justify the author's approach to the optimization of the information field of the formation of the original sales plan, implemented in the context of the development of business plans for investment projects to create new industries (development new products), on the basis of use methods of economic-mathematical modeling and modern software. Methodological basis of the study is the set of regulations and methods used in the knowledge of socio-economic phenomena and processes. Analysis of the object of research and statement of the problem carried out by using methods of abstraction and logical generalization. On the basis of the analogy method justifies the author's approach to solving problems. Proposed tools of optimization of the information field of forming the initial sales plan is based on the use of methods of economic-mathematical modeling. In the course of study source variation of these parameters identified the main parameters of sales plan and marketing information in the context of the main tasks. Formulated the problem of determining the composition of marketing information, ensuring the validity of parameters the initial sales plan with minimal expenditure on marketing research. Based on the use of the Pareto principle justified the author's approach to the solution of this task. It is proved that the implementation of the latter in this case can be carried out purely on the basis of the formulation and solution of optimization problems belonging to the class of discrete programming problems. The constructed economic-mathematical model of optimization of the information field of forming the initial sales plan and carried out the relevant calculations. In this article the authors formulated a fundamentally new problem, which, despite its urgency, to date, remains outside the sphere of scientific interests of domestic and foreign scientists. Through the use as a conceptual basis for building instrumentation optimization of information support of process of sales planning, expanded scope of use of the Pareto principle. The use of theoretical and methodological developments and recommendations, substantiated in the article, greatly reduces the volume of marketing information used in the compilation of the initial sales plan, and, as a consequence, significantly reduces the cost of information support of this process.
Authors and Affiliations
Yuriy Yegupov
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