Organ Donation in India


Organ donation in India is not a commonplace topic. In fact majority of the Indian population continues to be unaware about the concept of organ donation. This is proved by the dismal rate of organ donation in India, less than one in a million. Apart from this, despite having a stringent legislation, illegal trade in human organs continues to thrive in India. Legislations cannot solve the problem unless there is more awareness about the benefit of organ donation. Organ donation awareness and the illegal trade in human organs are inter-linked. Awareness about organ donation will make more people sign up to be organ donors, this will go a long way in bridging the demand and supply gap in organs. If the demand-supply gap is bridged, the illegal market can no longer survive Therefore, first something must be done in order to increase organ donation awareness, only then an the issue of illegal organ trade be addressed completely. On the international front countries are employing various strategies to popularize organ donation. India, must take the cue and work towards a society where organ donation is the norm.

Authors and Affiliations

Apurva Prabhakar


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How To Cite

Apurva Prabhakar (2017). Organ Donation in India. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention, 6(3), 17-19.