Organ wykonawczy gminy – czynniki dysfunkcyjne
Journal Title: Zeszyty Naukowe Zbliżenia Cywilizacyjne - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue 2
The commune take a special position in the institutional structure of the local government. It is a social space in which the most visible are needs, ventures and aspirations of its residents. On this level, there are undertaken actions which are leading to realize social tasks connected with resolving the daily, individual citizens’ issues and problems as well as issues and problems of the collective life. In view of the commune’s position, not without reason called the base unit of the municipal government, in scientific literature, journalism and various debates is underlined the importance of proper solutions involving the character, competencies, operating procedures and also the way of creating authorities of this unit. Already in the initial period, after the restitution of the municipal government the postulates suggesting a need of changing the form of executive body, its composition and the way of its empaneling were increasingly apearing. The position and function of commune executive body are extremely important structural and legal problems. The new in this range regulation accepted in 2002 in Poland still raises many questions. Most of all they involve the relation between the head of commune (mayor, president of the city) and commune (city) council. We can also detect the weakness of council’s position against the significantly weighted single executive body. However, it should be underlined that present solutions have brought an effectivity increase of commune local government. This article describes the principal disfunctions of commune executive body and problems needing a deep analysis and proposing new, effective legal solutions which enable a care of commune and its residents development.
Authors and Affiliations
Grażyna Szczesna
Kształcenie tłumaczy tekstów specjalistycznych na poziomie studiów pierwszego stopnia w oparciu o funkcjonalny model kompetencji EMT. Studium przypadku ćwiczeń przekładu z języka angielskiego na język polski / z języka polskiego na język angielski w perspektywie rodzenia się kompetencji tłumaczeniowej
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