Організаційно-педагогічні умови дієвості реабілітаційної діяльності з військовослужбовцями збройних сил України, що брали участь у бойових діях


Y.L. Bryndikov ORGANIZATIONAL AND PEDAGOGICAL CONDITIONS OF REHABILITATION OF UKRAINIAN ARMED FORCES’ SERVICEMEN WHO PARTICIPATED IN COMBAT The article summarizes the scientific views on the concept of “organizational and pedagogical conditions». They are interrelated circumstances and methods of organizing the pedagogical process. They form a certain system and determine the effectiveness of functioning of this process. On the basis of the allocation of methodological approaches (systemic, complex, multidisciplinary, technological) and types of rehabilitation (social, psychological, medical/physical, pedagogical), organizational and pedagogical conditions are identified. Their realization can positively influence the process of organization of rehabilitation activities with the servicemen who took part in combat. The implementation of complex rehabilitation of combatants with the distinction of key type and taking into account “individual cases» is considered. It involves the implementation of integrated, effective measures. The first is the psychological assistance, group training sessions, individual counseling. Rehabilitation of servicemen must be performed by a multidisciplinary team. This team includes a social worker, psychologist, rehabilitation physician, kinesitherapy therapist. The diagnostics of the servicemen’s needs and problems should be implemented as early as possible with the help of a specially selected methodological toolkit. The development of individual rehabilitation programs taking into account “individual cases» is required. It is on their effectiveness that timely comprehensive diagnosis and step-by-step general rehabilitation measures will depend. Organization of social and psychological support of servicemen in the post-rehabilitation period involves their monitoring and counseling. The organizational and pedagogical conditions are considered as interrelated and interdependent. Key words: rehabilitation, rehabilitation activities, servicemen, the combatants, organizational and pedagogical conditions.

Authors and Affiliations

Ю. Л. Бриндіков


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  • EP ID EP464618
  • DOI 10.32342/2522-41-5-2018-0-15-69-75
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How To Cite

Ю. Л. Бриндіков (2018). Організаційно-педагогічні умови дієвості реабілітаційної діяльності з військовослужбовцями збройних сил України, що брали участь у бойових діях. Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія "Педагогіка і психологія", 1(15), 69-75.