Organization of care-rendering to the patients with pathology of oral cavity mucosa: today and future
Journal Title: Медичні перспективи - Year 2013, Vol 18, Issue 1
Mucology, bein one of complicated branches of dentistry, has a number of problem issues both in diagnostics, treatment and prevention of pathology. Mentioned above difficulties depend on insufficiency of un¬derstanding of diseases nature and lesion of oral cavity mucosa (OCM); this has to be profoundly studied by specialists. Special attention is given to organisation of urgent and scheduled care rendering to the patients suffering from inflammatory, dystrophic, traumatic and other lesions of OCM; namely organisational forms provide efficacy of medical care. There with, it should be taken into account, that great part of OCM diseases present significant threat for a patient resulting from malignization of elements of lesion (decubital ulcer, leukoplakia) or clinical signs of severe somatic disease (leukemia, true pemphigus) of ten with probable lethal outcome. This explains serious character of problem, connected with quality of life and sometimes with patient’s life. That is why, mucology as a branch of modern dentistry both of adults and children in organization aspect envisages medical care rendering in case of OCM by four-level principle. First level - dentist of general practice, second – doctor-mucologist of specialized dentistry center, third and fourth level – scientists, specialists of special departments of dentistry of medical schools. Such a form of medical care is considered to be effective, having rather big time period. In future it is envisaged to have only two – level principle: first – dispatcher’s functions of doctor of general practice performing emergent interventions in this conditions. And at last, final level – treatment in a specialized medical center – out – patient treatment or in – patient treatment with participation of specialist-dentists.
Authors and Affiliations
Ye. Dychko, A. Samoilenko, I. Romanyuta, V. Sharypov
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