Journal Title: Вчені записки Університету "КРОК" - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 0
With the processes of economic integration and the emergence of new information and communication opportunities, the closed innovation processes in the middle of permanent scientific structures at the end of the last century have proved ineffective, which has led to the emergence and spread of open innovation models (business incubators for startups, technology parks and science parks). The macroeconomic problems of the development of the startup movement in Ukraine should include the unstable state of the economy, the limited investment market, characterized by a low level of perception of innovation or solvency, as well as insufficient experience of start-ups. Innovative potential of native start-ups can be defined as relatively insignificant. Among the priority areas of successful Ukrainian start-ups on the international market should be noted: energy saving, health care, «smart home», IT industry. The complexity of relationships and interconnection between participants and organizers of science parks creates problems in organizing their work and requires the development of measures to improve the organizational structure of scientific parks, identification of priority measures for the development and dissemination of open innovation structures in the activities of the HEI. Summarizing the experience of creating organizational structures of scientific parks on the basis of HEI and developing a general scheme of interconnections between participants of such a structure. The comparative analysis of the principal schemes of relations between the participants of scientific parks on the basis of HEI and their organizational structures showed the specific functioning of such structures, based on the temporary cooperation, the expansion of the possibility of improving the educational and scientific activities of the HEI, increasing their business ties with the local scientific elite and financial circles together with an increase in its business academic reputation, an increase in the level of innovative development of the region.According to the results of the analysis of organizational structures scientific parks of various ZOOs of Ukraine developed a general scheme of organization of such innovative structures. Among the measures to improve the organization of their work, one can distinguish: introduction of a system for monitoring and evaluating the results of activity of scientific parks, encouraging business representatives to create together with the state targeted funds to stimulate the activity of scientific parks, in particular popularization of the entanglement, providing public coverage of information on the activities of scientific parks.
Authors and Affiliations
Y. Khaustova, L. Shevchenko, M. Lebediev
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