Ortho-thiocarborane immobilization on the gadolinium oxide-doped magnetite nanocomposites


Novel neutron capture agents for the boron and gadolinium neutron capture therapy magnetic nanostructures have been created. The magnetic nanocomposites obtained could be applied as carriers for targeted delivery of 157Gd and 10В in order to their retention in tissues. Such materials can find an application in neutron capture therapy of cancer and multimodal Т1/Т2 MRI. The aim of research is the synthesis of B- and Gd-containing nanomaterials perspective for application in neutron capture therapy of cancer and MRI. All reagents were of analytical grade and used without further purification. Demineralized water was used for preparation of all sample solutions. Starch, sodium thiosulfate, 0.1 N iodine solution in water, Phosphate buffer (рН 7.2), DMSO, ethanol, FeCl3×6H2O, FeSO4×7H2O, Gd(NO3)3×6H2O, and aqueous NH4OH (25 %) were purchased from local supplier (Himlaborreaktiv, Ltd). Meso-2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich. Orto-thiocarborane was purchased from Merck Schuchardtohg. 2,2'-dipyridyldisulfide was purchased from Sigma. 2-Mercaptonicotinic acid ≥99.0 % (HPLC) was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich. UV-Vis spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), X-ray powder difraction (XRD) were used for analysis. In order to obtain novel neutron capture agents magnetic nanostructures have been developed for the boron and Gd neutron capture therapy based on Fe3O4 with optional Gd content and molecules containing 10-boron atoms. Molecular formula of the composite is Fe3O4/Gd2O3-S-S-Н11В10С2. Ortho-thiocarborane immobilization was carried out by thiol-disulphide exchanging reaction. The surface of Fe3O4/Gd2O3 composite was modified by meso-2,3 dimercaptosuccinic acid in order to create free SH groups on the surface. Dipyridildisulphide was used as @leaving@ molecule from the surface of DMSA-Fe3O4/Gd2O3 composite. The XPS spectroscopy studies confirmed presence of boron about and S-S bonds on the surface. According to our estimations, 0.07 mmol/g of carborane was immobilized.

Authors and Affiliations

A. L. Petranovska, Ie. V. Pylypchuk, P. P. Gorbyk, O. M. Korduban


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  • EP ID EP248078
  • DOI 10.15407/hftp08.02.203
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How To Cite

A. L. Petranovska, Ie. V. Pylypchuk, P. P. Gorbyk, O. M. Korduban (2017). Ortho-thiocarborane immobilization on the gadolinium oxide-doped magnetite nanocomposites. Хімія, фізика та технологія поверхні, 8(2), 203-213. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-248078