Orthodontic treatment offered by the Sick Fund - retrospective assessment
Journal Title: Forum Ortodontyczne - Year 2005, Vol 1, Issue 1
AIM: to assess the admission rate and discontinuationof orthodontic treatment in the period of the Sick Fundfunctioning, i.e. from January 1999 to April 2003. MATERIAL:the records of 290 patients who after receiving anorthodontic appliance stopped coming for further treatment.METHODS: the percentage of treatment discontinuationin the consecutive years of functioning of the SickFund was counted, taking into account the age and sex ofpatients, the type of the appliance and the distance from theDepartment. The relationships were studied using the chisquaredand Kruskal-Wallis tests. RESULTS: the offer ofthe Sick Fund was used by 1071 patients, which constituted18.37% of all population seeking for orthodontic treatment.Of 1071 patients, 27.07% abandoned therapy withinthe first three months. It was found that the percentage ofthose who interrupted treatment was not related to the agebut was linked to the sex of patients, and boys discontinuedtreatment significantly more often. It was shown that patientstreated with a removable appliance in combinationwith a fixed one cooperated much better. The percentageof those who discontinued treatment was paradoxically thelowest among children who came to orthodontist from distantplaces. CONCLUSIONS: the principles of costs reimbursementby the Sick Fund should be improved oramended in order to avoid the beginning of treatment severaltimes at different orthodontic centers. Access to free of charge orthodontic treatment for teenagers should notbe limited. Boys should receive appliances which do notrequire a high level of cooperation. (Orthod Forum,2005;1:5-13)
Authors and Affiliations
Izabella Dunin-Wilczyńska, Barbara Jędrych-Górska, Marzena Pucek, Anna Komorowska
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