Orthopaedics in Germany under the Influence of National-socialist Healt-politic in the Years 1933-1945
Journal Title: Ortopedia Traumatologia Rehabilitacja - Year 2015, Vol 17, Issue 1
In the paper the health-care of physically disabled patients in Germany before, during and after the II world war are discussed. The circumstances of introdu-ction of „Racial-Hygiene - laws and orthopedic indications for the sterilization and euthanasia are described. Patients with severe physical and mental disabili-ties were potential candidates for annihilation. The tragic fate of jewish physi-cians is remembered. The activity of board of the German Orthopeadic Society (DOG) in the years 1933-1945 is described and critically analysed.
Authors and Affiliations
Michał von Grabowski
Metody leczenia przerzutów nowotworowych i zmian guzopodobnych w trzonach oraz przynasadach kości długich przy użyciu cementu kostnego i allospongiozoplastyki, w materiale własnym
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