
Статтю присвячено питанням ролі читача у функціонуванні художнього тексту як окремої одиниці мистецтва. Задля вирішення цього питання автори порівнюють постулати рецептивної естетики та теоретичні доробки У. Еко. Однак найбільшу увагу приділено проблемі читача та особливостям сприйняття художнього твору. У статті проаналізовано такі твори У. Еко як «Вікритий твір», «Роль читача. Дослідження з семіотики тексту», «Шість прогулянок у літературних лісах». The article presents the results of comparative studying of U. Eco’s books on the theory of literature: “The Open Works”, “The Role of the reader”, “Six Walks in the Fictional Woods”. The aim of this comparative research is to follow the evolution of U. Eco’s treatment of a reader as a part of creative process. This well-known Italian scientist is famous as one of the first who paid their attention on the reader’s role in “writing fiction”. Among this group of scholars those interested in so-called “Perceptive Aesthetics” made a big progress in this field. That is why one of the points is to find out theirs difference or to prove their similarities of the approaches when dealing with the problem. Studying both the works by U. Eco and by representatives of Perceptive aesthetics, for example W. Iser, we come to the conclusion that their theories about the reader’s role in fiction interpretation started their development at about the same time. But nevertheless U. Eco was the first to start the discussion in 1959. The further studies of the problem led the scientists to the same direction but still the results they achieved differed. As a result U. Eco’s model of cooperation between the author and his reader is more flexible and exponentially more complex than the models worked out by the theorists like W. Iser and R. Jauss. In the light of Eco's model, these other descriptions of phenomenological and psychoanalytical reader response may be considered as specialized subdivisions of U. Eco's model. The article suggests the breadth and depth of U. Eco's application of his theory of signification. It surveys poetic theory to conclude that modern tolerance of extreme textual openness, analyzes various structures in the texts reflecting ideological or market pressures which both create and pander to a particular mentality and social structure. When studying the works by this famous writer we deal with the analytic spirit and idiosyncratic emphases made by the author. The given article is an attempt to create essential reading for anyone interesting in fiction perception and interpretation and the fresh reader-centered forms of criticism. We tried to set forth dialectic between ‘open’ and ‘closed’ texts. The difference between openness and unlimited interpretation is also touch upon in the research.

Authors and Affiliations

Iriyna Rybalka, Viktoria Govorenko


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How To Cite

Iriyna Rybalka, Viktoria Govorenko (2017). ОСОБЛИВОСТІ ЧИТАЦЬКОЇ РЕЦЕПЦІЇ В ТЕОРЕТИЧНИХ РОБОТАХ У. ЕКО. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філологія, 10(16), 45-51. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-432136