Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Історія. Політологія - Year 2016, Vol 6, Issue 15
Аналізується проблематика майбутнього членства Великобританії в ЄС; зокрема, проводиться аналіз позицій, яку висунули країни – учасниці ЄС стосовно умов збереження Британії в складі ЄС. Характеризуються положення провідних партій Великобританії стосовно даної проблеми. Розглянуто особливості проведення брюссельського саміту 2016 р. Доведено, що у результаті брюссельського саміту Великобританія отримала особливий статус, який надасть можливість її громадянам остаточно визначитися на референдумі щодо майбутнього членства Великобританії в Євросоюзі. The problems of the UK's future membership if the EU are analyzed; in particular, there is an analysis of the positions, which were promoted by EU member states on conditions for the preservation of Britain as part of the EU. The position of leading UK political parties regarding this issue is characterized. The features of the Brussels summit 2016 are considered. There is proved that as a result of the Brussels summit, Britain gained a special status which will allow its citizens to decide in a referendum on Britain's future membership in the EU. Formulation of the problem. In terms of the emergence of new challenges and threats, transformation of the international security system, the issues of the support Britain's membership of the EU are in the focus of the British community, the international community and experts. The absence of an agreement of the leading UK political parties on its Brexit make discussions about the prospects of future membership of the EU in Britain more relevant. The analysis of recent research and publications. In political science plane Britain's future membership issues in EU were considered by authoritative British scientists J. Richardson [12], J. Kirkop [10], S. Biskop [6], A. Cote [8]. There are almost no special works on this subject in the Ukrainian political science literature. The purpose and tasks of the research. The purpose of the research determines the nature and focus position of the British government, political parties of the UK, EU member states, the British community and the world’s community about the future of Britain's membership in the EU. According to the formulated purpose the next tasks were solved: the vision of the future of the EU and the place of the UK there is analyzed: from the side of EU, UK government supporters and opponents stay in the EU (including public opinion on this issue). Conclusions. Secession Britain to the EU would mean the loss of its credibility, connections in the world and the beginning of the decay process. The exit of the United Kingdom from the EU can be the beginning of the end of this supranational organization. Therefore, to preserve the integrity of the EU should find answers to complex challenges facing it. According to the Brussels Agreement London refused to participate in politics "ever closer union" which included the existing agreement for the EU. Under the compromise, London can not "compel further political integration". Therefore, items on the "ever closer union" of European agreements will not affect the UK. Thus, the Brussels agreement on the special status of the UK in the EU, that the level of the United Kingdom to unite rights with other EU members, but fewer obligations, signed in advance and will take effect if the British referendum on the EU spoken. If they will be against the agreement will not be released because the UK will be out from the EU. But citizens giving their votes in a referendum will already know that they vote for to stay in the EU with a special status. This increases the chances of a positive result.
Authors and Affiliations
A. Stalovierova
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