Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філологія - Year 2016, Vol 9, Issue 14
У статті досліджуються особливості італійської літератури поч. ХХ ст. Зазначено, що в цей період в Італії культурна криза охоплює увесь спектр загальнолюдських цінностей і принципів традиційної моралі, а також літературні форми та напрямки. Аналізуються творчі пошуки Ф. Марінетті, Г. Д’Аннунціо, Л. Піранделло, Дж. Папіні. Зауважується, що початок ХХ ст. в Італії ознаменувався появою нового напрямку в мистецтві – футуризму, а також що саме в Італії, батьківщині гуманізму, з’явилось й поняття «антигуманізм». There being investigated the peculiarities of the Italian literature at the end of the XIXbeginning of the XX centuries. It is marked that at this period a cultural crisis in Italy involved the whole spectrum of universal values and principles of a traditional moral and also literary forms and trends. There being analyzed works by F.T. Marinetti, G. D’Annunzio, L. Pirandello, G. Panini. There established that the beginning of the XX century is marked with the occurrence of a new trend – futurism, in manifests of which there were proclaimed ‘anticultural’, ‘antihumanistic’, ‘antiaesthetics’, ‘antiphilosophical’ orientation of this trend. The reason of such categoricity is the opposition, which is typical for all modernists concerning the ideas of the previous art. In Italian futuristic movement there observed two tendencies: on the one hand, a real necessity to include in the sphere of art presentation new elements of a society development, civilization and to find for this consequent figurative and linguistic means and on the other hand, antihumanistic aggressive ideology, modern political nationalistic worldview, worship of violence and war. There stressed that namely in Italy, the motherland of humanism there appeared the notion of ‘antihumanism’ but lots of artists (T. Marinetti, G. D’Annunzio), the representatives of highly humanistic sphere of personal activity, supported fascist’s dictatorship. A the same time, the other part of Italian society still supports humanistic ideals and G. Deledda and L. Pirandello even get Nobel Prizes in the sphere of literature. Undoubtedly, futurism, which firstly appeared on the basis of Italian ground, made a great influence onto the European vanguard, first of all as an art trend that opened possibilities of search of new expressive methods of the future. It’s difficult to explain why humanism in Italy of this period couldn’t be a guarantee of humanity, social confidence or political security. And it’s not strange that namely Italy became the zone of fascist experiment, there appear such notions of ‘antihumanism’, and humanism is peremptory correlate with the sphere of illusions. A paradoxical phenomenon is the fact that they supported the fascist dictatorship by Mussolini, including T. Marinetti and G. D’Annynzio. This phenomenon, to our mind, requires a special deep and detailed investigation because the manifestation of the fascism has recollections even nowdays.
Authors and Affiliations
Julia Sabadash
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