Особливості вирощування деревної маси і садивного матеріалу тополі у безверхівковому режимі [Features of of woody biomass and planting-stock of poplar in “stump” type of plantation management]
Journal Title: Наукові праці Лісівничої академії наук України - Year 2016, Vol 14, Issue
Exploitation of poplar energy plantations and nursery management may be based on so-called "stump" approach, which should be understood as cutting of cultivars stem, usually one-year old, and allows already for next year to get a significant number of shoots from each stump, that can be used for biomass or planting material (cuttings) providing. The use of appropriate technology while poplar’s energy plantation management allows getting 8-15 tons of biomass (dry matter) per hectare each year, and on the fertile soils, individual clones can produce up to 16-20 tons. According to various sources, the annual output of 25 cm length cuttings varies between 250 and 550 thousand cuttings per hectare, depending on the cultivar, site and soil conditions, age of plantation, treatments, etc. The foregoing suggests the relevance and appropriateness of establishment technology testing and poplar plantations treatments approbation. It is necessary to evaluate the different cultivar’s productivity, their ability to produce biomass and high quality planting material that is needed for the expansion of the existing Ukrainian operational forest base. The purpose of research was to determine the impact of tree stump height on poplar cultivar’s shoots growth and evaluation of plantations productivity for biomass production and cuttings store. During an experiment forest-taxation, analytical and comparative methods were used. The studies confirmed the need for scientifically proved selection of the most suitable for cultivation in specific site conditions productive poplar cultivars. In particular, the use of dense plantings (over 2.5-3 thousand stumps per hectare), while poplar nursery establishment so is while establishment of middle-rotation fast-growing poplar energy plantations is inexpedient, as they are not always more productive compared to more wide plantings, and, as a rule, they complicate mechanization processes. Poplar plantation productivity, while "stump" approach of their management is used, and output of quality planting material depend on the number, height, diameter, age and health of tree shoots. These figures may vary depending on the stump height of mother-tree and on biological, growth characteristics of cultivars. The most appropriate height, were to cut mother plants of most tested cultivars in order to obtain the maximum number of high-quality shoots, is a range of 1.0 to 0.5m. The average annual productivity of all cultivars in mentioned range was 6 tons per hectare of fresh wood and 3 tons – of completely dry. 'Ghoy' and 'I - 214' сultivars are most suitable for plantations establishment in studied conditions when the aim is to get maximum of wood biomass. The highest productivity was observed in plantations of these cultivars (respectively, 21 and 19 tons per hectare of fresh wood and 9 tons of completely dry). The use of clones 'V-235' and 'Rochester' is inappropriate for biomass aimed plantations establishment. These clones had relatively low productivity, regardless of the stump height (about 1 ton per hectare). Besides, clones differ in terms of wood humidity content, and in accordance with it, in the accumulation of absolutely dry wood biomass, what is very important in terms of poplar bioenergy use. The research shows that poplar wood humidity varies depending on cultivar from 39 % ('San Giorgio') to 59 % ('Ijzer-5'). The average wood humidity for the tested poplar cultivars is 49 %. In Kyiv Polissya the plantations of 'Ghoy', 'Marilandika' and 'Ijzer-5' cultivars are most productive of planting material (cuttings).
Authors and Affiliations
Yaroslav Fuchylo, Viktor Maurer, Marharyta Sbytna, Iryna Odarchenko, Dmytro Fuchylo
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