Особливості взаємодії оперативних та слідчих підрозділів під час протидії злочинам, пов’язаним з терористичною діяльністю


Статтю присвячено висвітленню особливостей взаємодії оперативних та слідчих підрозділів під час протидії злочинам, пов’язаним з терористичною діяльністю, для виявлення наявних недоліків. Запропоновано науково-обґрунтовані пропозиції щодо вдосконалення взаємодії в цьому напрямі. The article is devoted to the coverage of the peculiarities of operational and investigative units interaction at prevention of crimes related to terrorist activity, as well as its common forms analysis. The aim of the article is the detection of deficiencies in that area. Such forms of interaction include: mutual exchange of information between operational and investigative units; joint study, analysis and evaluation of operative-search information, operational situation, results obtained during operational and investigative activities, investigators (investigators) and secret investigators (investigators); execution by an employee of the operational unit of the investigator's orders; joint planning of conducting investigation (search) and secret investigation (search) actions; providing the operative unit with assistance to an investigator during the conduct of investigators (investigators) and secret investigators (investigators); agreement with the investigator of the list of issues to be included by the employee of the operational unit to the task of the silent apparatus; creation of a investigative and operational group; exchange of practical experience in counteracting investigated crimes. The authors made attempt to develop scientific proposals for the improvement of operational and investigative units interaction at the prevention of those crimes. In the article the authors propose to solve the problems of interaction between operational and investigative units by means of taking organizational measures on a tactical level and by taking legislative measures on a strategical one. Organizational measures involve detailed planning by an interrogator with the participation of an operative, the process of crime investigation, strengthening of the control over the stated persons interaction on the part of the head of the territorial body, assigning investigators concrete fields of work, i.e. specialization in investigation of crimes of certain type. The legislative activity in the sphere includes making amendments to the effective Code of Criminal Procedure in the part of the introduction of the detectives institute. It will lead to the extinction of a process of interaction between operational and investigative units.

Authors and Affiliations

Андрій Миколайович Лисенко, Ірина В'ячеславівна Лисенко


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Андрій Миколайович Лисенко, Ірина В'ячеславівна Лисенко (2018). Особливості взаємодії оперативних та слідчих підрозділів під час протидії злочинам, пов’язаним з терористичною діяльністю. Вісник Луганського державного університету внутрішніх справ імені Е.О. Дідоренка, 82(2), 240-249. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-536685