Осуждение без вызова сторон: а как же принципы уголовного процесса? / Sentencing without Summoning the Parties: what about the Principles of the Criminal Procedure?

Journal Title: Університетські наукові записки - Year 2017, Vol 16, Issue 3


A new for Belarus variant of simplified criminal proceeding — the sentencing in the case of fast track proceedings without trial (trial in absentia) — is analyzed. It is indicated the conformity of current trends on simplifying the proceedings for certain categories of criminal cases to recommendations adopted within the framework of international organizations. Simplification of judicial proceedings in criminal cases of certain categories was known on Belarusian lands since the time of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Russian Empire, although the present fast track procedure has its roots in the Soviet criminal procedure. Equivalents of the Belarusian trial in absentia are known to a number of European countries. The article analyzes the German penal order procedure (Verfahren bei Strafbefehlen) and the possibility of sentencing without conducting a trial on the basis of a petition of the prosecutor in Poland. It is pointed out that the Belarusian novel is primarily intended to relieve the court from consideration of “simple” criminal cases in order to achieve procedural economy, preserve labor forces and material means for using them in combating more socially dangerous unlawful acts. Based on the analysis of the ground and terms of the sentencing without trial, the author gives a definition of this kind of trial in absentia and discloses the features of its procedure. It is pointed out that there is an imbalance in the rights of the individual and public interests in the existing provisions on trial in absentia and it is necessary to create a mechanism guaranteeing the absence of pressure from side of the state bodies when gaining consent of an accused to conduct this kind of proceedings, including the implementation of the principle of inadmissibility of reformatio in pejus after raising an objection by an accused to the judgment, which was delivered without trial.

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How To Cite

Вадим САМАРИН (2017). Осуждение без вызова сторон: а как же принципы уголовного процесса? / Sentencing without Summoning the Parties: what about the Principles of the Criminal Procedure?. Університетські наукові записки, 16(3), 311-323. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-424651