Outcome of Trabeculectomy in Advanced Glaucoma in a tertiary hospital in Rivers State, Nigeria
Journal Title: International Journal of Clinical Anesthesia and Research - Year 2018, Vol 2, Issue 2
Methods: This was a non-randomized interventional study in which each patient served as its own control. Patients with advanced glaucoma and demonstrable field defects and Mean defect ≥-12 were included. The intervention employed was Trabeculectomy and IOP and visual acuity pre operative, as well as post op were collected and compared at pre- op, post -op day 1, one week, one month, 6 months. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 20.
Authors and Affiliations
Awoyesuku EA, Fiebai B
Knowledge, attitudes and skills of doctors, nurses and emergency medical technicians in pre-hospital care and emergency medicine who accompany patients in ambulances which arrive at the National Hospital of Sri Lanka
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