Outcomes of Thoracoscopic Thymectomy in Children: Experience in A Resource Challenged Setup
Journal Title: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) - Year 2017, Vol 16, Issue 5
Thoracoscopic thymectomy which has a steeper learning curve is now becoming a reality in many centers in developing countries. The aim of the study is to highlight the advantage of thoracoscopic thymectomy over conventional methods in a minimal resource setup. Case records of patients diagnosed as anterior mediatinal masses from may 2006 to may 2016 were reviewed and those pertaining to diagnosis of thymus were Retrospectively analysed. Study was done in the department of pediatric surgery, Coimbatore medical college.We had twelve cases of thymic lesions out of which six were operated by median sternotomy approach and by supraclavicular approach. Our last five cases were operated thoracoscopically. Diagnoses of all these 5 cases were preoperatively confirmed with contrast CT scan. Out of these five, three were thymoma, one case was thymic abscess and another was congenital thymic cyst.Twelve patients (10 male and 2 female children) were identified for study and their age range was between 6 to 13 years. Seven children were operated via open approach and five thoracoscopically. There was no intraoperative complication during thoracoscopy approach. The operating time ranged from 60 minutes to 98 minutes (mean - 82 minutes). The mean length of post operative hospital stay in the thoracoscopic cohort was 2.5 ±1.5 day and there was no difference in ICD tube removal between open and thoracoscope cohort. Postoperatively one child developed empyema which was dealt thoracoscopically. The severity of pain and postoperative movement restriction was less in the thoracoscopic approach. Thoracoscopic thymectomy is the need of the hour in developing countries, proving to be highly effective in terms of decreased post operative hospital stay, decreased work off time for the parents. and also improved cosmesis.
Authors and Affiliations
Rengarajan R, Venkatesa Mohan N, Vijaya Raj S, Rajamani G
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