Outdoor Activities as a form of Recreational Physical Activity for Young People with Sight Disorders - Motives and it's Undertaking

Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2005, Vol 15, Issue 29


Introduction. A desire to participate in active forms of outdoor activity as a form of physical recreation was expressed by a little more than 90% of young people suffering from sight disorders. The aim of this study. The research dealt within the present paper was intended to answer the question as to the motives and needs met by this form of recreation in young people with weak and normal sight. The statistical analysis attempts to incorporate the influence of factors such as sex on the motivation for undertaking this form of activity.Materials and methods. The research was conducted on a sample of young people with sight disorders (50 girls and 50 boys - Group E) pupils of the I-IV forms of a vocational secondary school and 100 normal-sighted pupils of Forms I-IV of standard secondary schools (50 girls and 50 boys), which constituted the control group C. The method employed was that of a questionnaire based upon R. Winiarski's conception of the motivation of recreational activity. The questionnaire comprised 15 questions.Results. The results obtained demonstrate that: the hierarchy of motives given for undertaking outdoor activities differs in the groups E and C. For group E primarily the motives were: health, cognitive and cathartic, while for group C: cathartic, social and emotional. In group E there was not noted a statistically important difference in the frequency of motivational choices made by the relevant sexes. Such a difference was, however, noted in group C.Conclusions. Contrary to expectations the desire to participate in active forms of outdoor activity on the part of young people with sight problems is not connected with a deficiency in activeness in movement.

Authors and Affiliations

Jan Fenczyn


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Jan Fenczyn (2005). Outdoor Activities as a form of Recreational Physical Activity for Young People with Sight Disorders - Motives and it's Undertaking. Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences, 15(29), 47-53. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-59986