Overwork and Living Conditions of Healthcare Staff at a Hospital during the 2022-1 Period (Sobreexigencia laboral y Condiciones de Vida del Personal de salud de un hospital durante el periodo 2022-1)
Journal Title: Gestiones. - Year 2022, Vol 2, Issue 1
Theinvestigationtitled:Over-demandlaborsamplethemanneras,thisinfluences the quality of life or what is called living conditions of the staff in the hospitalization service of a Public Hospital, Lima 2022-1. The research was of a basic type, the scopewasdescriptivehaving,apopulationformedby80professionalsofNursing of the Medicine and Surgery Service of a Public Hospital. To collect the data, the following was used:methodthesurvey,astechniquethe questionnaire andasinstrumentaformthat I considertheDataGeneral,doneheanalysisinferentialforhecontrastofhypothesisThe Rho Sperman correlation test was used. On the other hand, the surveys obtained scores ofWork overload and Living Conditions of Health Personnel of a Lima hospital in the hospitalization service with a high level of reliabilityin the variables. Therefore, it is stated that There is a relationship between work overload and the quality of life of the hospitalization staff of a Public Hospital, Lima 2022-1, observing that the relationshipwasreverseeithernegativeandoflevelmoderate(r=-0.615;p=0.000<0.05),indicatingthat, the greateroverwork, adequate living conditions are expected to decline for these professionals in Lima during the 2022-2021 period. To address the problem of overwork, measures must be taken to reducethe factors that cause it. This includes improving time management, providing training and support to staff, and improving working conditions.
Authors and Affiliations
Light Antonia Barreto Espinoza Marilú Elena Barreto Espinoza
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